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Orisha Beaded Necklace

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    Sold individually - measures approximately 30" in total length.

    Elegua [red and black beads]. Elegua is the orisha and owner of roads and paths.

    Obatala [white beads]. Obatala is known as the orisha of honesty, purpose, purity, peace, the new year, forgiveness, and resurrection.

    Oshun [yellow and gold beads]. Oshun is known as the river orisha and is associated with water, purity, fertility, love and sensuality.

    Shango [red and white beads]. Shango is one of the most powerful orisha and his power can be seen in thunder and lightning. He represents virility, passion and power.

    Yemaya [blue and clear beads]. Yemaya is the orisha of motherhood, the sea and the moon.

    Orula [green and yellow beads]. Orula is known as the orisha of wisdom, knowledge, and divination.